Monday 27 April 2015



The British hon ours system is a means of rewarding individuals' personal bravery, achievement, or service to the United Kingdom and the British Overseas Territories. The system consists of three types of award: hon ours, decorations and medals:

  • Hon ours are used to recognize merit in terms of achievement and service.
  • Decorations tend to be used to recognize specific deeds.
  • Medals are used to recognize  bravery, long and/or valuable service and/or good conduct


 Although the Anglo-Saxon monarchs are known to have rewarded their loyal subjects with rings and other symbols of favour, it was the Normans who introduced knighthoods as part of their feudal government. The first English order of chivalry, the Order of the Garter, was created in 1348 by Edward III. Since then the system has evolved to address the changing need to recognize other forms of service to the United Kingdom.

Orders of Hon ours

Honours are split into classes ("orders") and are graded to distinguish different degrees of achievement or service, according to various criteria.[2] Nominations are reviewed by honours committees made up of government officials and private citizens from different fields, who meet twice a year to discuss the candidates and make recommendations for appropriate honours to be awarded by the Queen
first sir award got in India C V RAMAN
RabindranathTagore rejected sir award because on that time British government is ruling our India.

    Tuesday 21 April 2015

    Founders of Electronics

    First Semiconductor invented by John Bardeen, William Shockley and Walter Brattain,

    First integrated circuit invented by jack Kilby and 

    Robert Noyce in July 1959

                                                    jack Kilby

    Robert Noyce

                    First computer invented by Charles Babbage in 1837

    First telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell's in March 7, 1876.

    First Radio invented by Guglielmo Marconi in 1901